Websters Home Schooling is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit organization
We have developed a nautical K – Captain approach to introducing math with a Christian background and Captain’s license leadership outlook.
For God and Country welcome Aboard! This is our Great Circle Study.
Student Curriculum
(Learning How to Tell Time)
(By dividing a circle 6 time
we find N, E, S, & W )
(Latitude and Longitude)
(Port and Starboard)
(All Aboard)
(Speed-Time-Distance Triangle)
(Walking Your Dividers)
Lesson 4
(coming soon)
(Advanced Navigation)
(Radar Plotting)
(Manual Radar Colision Avoidance)
(International Morse Code)

School Project Peace Mission
Let us imagine designing a Peace Mission Concentric/Aircraft/Spacecraft in the likeness of our very own Milky Way Spiral Galaxy for college credits. We’re going to start with one concentric passenger research area, not with all 8 major planets nor with Pluto nine planets, nor with nine concentric housings. We have started with a time lapse of our Earth completing a one solar year orbit around the Sun known as a macro observation. We are All onboard. That macro observation is transformed on paper by our “R&D” team; you included, into a circular type concentric passenger housing. All nine (9) concentric housings is the most expensive (Research & Development) study before us. We will start with one passenger area. We will use as many engine rooms as needed for flight R&D. All other planetary research areas, contemporary fuel storage areas, etc. are surrounding the same central flight control area or sun room as a macro/micro application of flight evolution. Remember: My drawings and patents are offered as a beginning, in leading students to create a better and more functional design to help their generations “Overcome Eternal War” and “Overcome Global Warming”. And we are at a turning point at the end of our most recent ice age. Every known written language has occurred during the waning of our most recent ice age.
In closing:
Kids need Peace Plans too. Our youth and we adults need Peace Plans.
How can you help stop violence in our high schools, places of worship, malls, and highways here in the USA? Help get this Star Wars Peace Mission program on Flight Evolution into our Department of Education; federal, state, and local, NASA, and Pentagon. Tell your local schools, Police Departments, Senators, Congressmen, and Congresswomen you want this program active with NASA participation. Tell President Joe Biden this is a good idea our kids can use this Great Circle Study. All classes; K – Captain, will connect to the same Aeronautical Engineering Computer with Flight Probability Analysis; pre-programmed and NASA verified. Every student’s stumbling block will be NASA confirmed as known technology or unknown technology.